Google Analytics 4 Jumpstart

Set up Google Analytics 4 to answer specific questions and give you solid next steps to better marketing and web analytics.

When we work together on web analytics jump start, we identify your biggest challenges and opportunities in your online work and spend some time looking for answers in your Google Analytics data. I give you specific ways to improve your use of this powerful tool to help you in your decision making.

You will end up with a clear sense of what your web data is telling you and clear next steps to improve both your online results and your use of web analytics. This project serves as a starting point to making decisions about your online marketing based on data, not guesswork.

There are six parts to this project:

  1. You complete a brief survey in which you to describe a few of your most pressing web challenges, goals and questions about your online work. We follow up the survey with a one hour kickoff call to ensure I understand your priorities for the project.

  2. I access your web analytics results with a focus on helping you with your specific challenges. I look through your website traffic and other sources of online data and take notes on your visitors behaviour. I also look for opportunities to improve your online results.

  3. I check through your Google Analytics installation and configuration, taking note of ways you could get better insights by changing your setup. I make any quick configuration changes to your analytics account that will help you get more actionable and accurate data.

  4. We have an instructional session with your team to make sure they understand key Google Analytics concepts such as ‘campaign tagging’ (utm codes) and conversion tracking. This screencast is recorded for your future reference.

  5. I create a basic web analytics dashboard in Google Data Studio that highlights key metrics from Google Analytics 4, based on your priorities.

  6. We have an hour-long conversation or meeting to discuss the results of the project and recommendations for next steps. We review the Datastudio dashboard with your team. I make sure you understand the updates made and that you are clear on next steps.

This is a good fit for you if:

    • You have particular questions about your online marketing, including content marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing or online advertising.
    • You are already using Google Analytics and have at least two months of data.
    • You or your website developer are able to install Google Tag Manager on every page your website at the start of this project.
    • You are using one or more of the following online platforms: WordPress, Action Network, Engaging Networks, EveryAction, Classy, Fundraise Up, Click and Pledge. If you are not using one of these platforms I recommend the web analytics audit. 

Typical Investment:
4-8 hours of your time | $3000 USD


Get in touch
Have any questions about analytics jump starts? Please get in touch