Online Advertising : Google Ads and Google Grants

Optimizing your ad spend, especially for charities that have a Google Grant.

Pay-per-Click Advertising

When you spend money on online advertising or have a Google Grant, you want to get the best return on investment possible. Online advertising is perfectly suited to web analytics, and Data Habits is here to help.

I can help you create, manage, measure and optimize your online advertising campaigns, whether they are search, social or display campaigns.

A monthly retainer includes some or all of the following services:

  • campaign planning to make sure you’re well positioned
  • creating, editing and managing ads to get the best return on investment
  • designing and optimizing landing pages to increase conversions
  • reporting on results to give you better insights into your audience

I am especially interested (and experienced) in working with registered charities that have received (or are eligible for) a Google Grant. These grants of $300 per day in search advertising from Google are an excellent opportunity for charities to both increase the value of their website and learn more about their supporters.

Typical Investment:
4-6 hours per month for six months | $2000 and up
Intro to Google Grants
Here are some introductory workshops on Google Grants.
Get in touch
Have any questions about Google Grants and Google ads? Please get in touch

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