About Eric Squair

Experienced online marketer helping people make better decisions about their online work.

Eric Squair from Data HabitsI help people in nonprofit organizations and independent businesses make decisions about their online work based on data, not guesswork.  I do this by teaching my clients how to monitor the results of their online efforts, run experiments to improve those results, and solicit actionable feedback from their audience. This process helps them  find out what’s really going on with their website, social media, email, and online advertising. And how to improve their results.

I have worked in online communications for almost 20 years, mainly with large nonprofits working to change the world, but also with independent businesses who want to leverage the web. In 2009 I began working as a freelance online producer, creating campaigns and technology for clients including Greenpeace, Amnesty International, the David Suzuki Foundation and several others. See a partial client list here.