Using Google Analytics with Blackbaud Luminate ‘“ Three Free Webinars

Using Google Analytics with Blackbaud Luminate

Three free webinars to get actionable  insights from Google Analytics

Webinar 1: November 7th at 1pm Eastern‘‹ Tracking donations in Google AnalyticsWebinar 2: November 14th at 1pm EasternTracking your email, ads and social mediaWebinar 3: November 21st at 1pm Eastern

Reporting results with Google Analytics


Google Analytics and Blackbaud Luminate are powerful tools for raising donations online. They can also be complicated and overwhelming to set up properly.

This is your step-by-step guide  to getting useful fundraising  insights from this powerful tool.

These webinars are the follow up to a session I delivered at BBCon 2018 on using Google Analytics with Blackbaud Luminate.  They are based on my work with dozens of not-for-profit organizations, helping them to use Google Analytics to measure the effectiveness of their fundraising emails, online ads and social media. We will cover the most useful tips and techniques for using Google Analytics to raise more money online with the Blackbaud Luminate platform.

Webinar details

November 7th1pm Eastern

Tracking Donations with Google Analytics on Blackbaud LuminateSet up Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager on your Blackbaud Luminate site, including tracking donations as goals and ecommerce transactions. Includes basic instructions and code to get Google Tag Manager set up on your Luminate site.Requirements: Must be able to edit page wrappers, create reusable page components and be willing to learn the basics of Google Tag Manager.

November 14th1pm Eastern

Tracking your email, ads and social media with Google Analytics and Blackbaud LuminateA deep dive into Google Analytics ‘campaign tags’ (utm codes) and how to use them to track the results of your online ads, email and social media. How to generate tags consistently, align them with your existing Luminate source and subsource tags and why we need to use utm tags in the first place.‘‹Requirements:   (at least one of) Able to create, test and send emails in Luminate, post to Facebook or create Facebook ads.

November 21st

1pm Eastern

Reporting Results with Google Analytics and Blackbaud Luminate‘‹

Find out what Google Analytics has to tell you about the results of your fundraising outreach – email, ads and social media results in clear reports and dashboards. We will look at Google Analytics standard and custom reports, and a quick introduction to Google Data Studio for upping your reporting game.


‘‹Requirements:   Log in and administer your Google Analytics account, create a Google Data Studio account.

These webinars are for you if…

  • You use  Blackbaud Luminate   to raise donations online. While the topics explored – donation tracking, UTM tags and Google Analytics reporting – apply to all online fundraising platforms, this series is focused on the details of tracking Blackbaud Luminate for fundraising.  Don’t use Luminate? Sign up here to get updates on webinars for other fundraising platforms.
  • You have intermediate Luminate capacity on your team, either in-house or working with an agency. Specifically, you are comfortable  editing Luminate page wrappers,  making reusable page components and creating and sending emails in Luminate.
  • Your team has time (2-3 hours per week for three weeks) to learn and implement tools and techniques including Google Tag Manager and UTM codes.
  • ‘‹‘‹
  • You are using a mix of email, social media and online ads for fundraising. You want to know how each of these channels is performing, and have a basis for optimizing their performance over time.
  • ‘‹
  • You are a progressive not-for-profit organization working to make the world a better place for all.

ERIC SQUAIR   //  Data Habits

My name is Eric Squair.   I have worked with dozens of not-for-profit organizations over the past decade and a half, setting up their web analytics to track meaningful metrics and then helping them make sense of the numbers.

I am offering these free webinars to share what I know about using Google Analytics and Blackbaud Luminate, and learn from you how best to help you use this tool to raise more money online.

Eric Squair

Frequently Asked Questions


Will the webinars be available for download if I have to miss?

Yes and no. All the recordings will be available for free to anyone who attends at least one of the live sessions.  If you can’t attend ANY of the sessions but would still like to get this information, please contact me directly at eric [at]


What is the time commitment for me and my team?

Expect to spend a minimum of one hour and up to five hours per week implementing the steps outlined in each  webinar, along with listening to the one hour webinar.  Your familiarity with technologies such as Luminate page wrappers and Google Tag Manager will determine how long the steps take to implement.


Can I skip the webinars and hire you to set this up for me?

Yes, you can hire me to do this setup and walk your team through the resulting fundraising reports.  My schedule fills up quickly, especially at this time of year, so if this sounds interesting please contact me at eric [at]  sooner rather than later!


Why are these webinars free?

This webinar series is a follow-up to a presentation I gave at BBCon 2018 (with Brenna Holmes) on how to use Google Analytics with Blackbaud Luminate. I wanted to offer attendees some follow up support, and written notes didn’t seem to be enough.


No really, why are these webinars free?

I can’t afford to work for free, it’s true. My aim with these webinars is to understand how best to help Blackbaud Luminate users make the most of Google Analytics, and use these learnings to inform my paid consulting work. I use Google Analytics every day, while you use Luminate every day – let’s collaborate.


Will you be offering Google Analytics webinars for other platforms like Engaging Networks, Nationbuilder or EveryAction?

I don’t have further webinars scheduled at this time, but if you sign up for my upcoming webinars alerts you will be the first to find out when those happen.

2018 Data Habits
