Category: Google Analytics How To

  • Creating a Google Universal Analytics Archive

    Your old Google Universal Analytics account is going offline on July 1, 2024. This is the first in a two part tutorial on how to make a basic archive of your old Google Analytics account. Introduction: Creating a backup of your Google Universal Analytics account To create your Google Analytics archive, you are going to…

  • Google Analytics 4 is coming

    Google Universal Analytics is being replaced by an entirely new technology, Google Analytics 4. Join me for three free webinars in June to find out what to do next.

  • How to Use Google Analytics with Blackbaud Luminate – 3 Free Webinars

    Three free webinars on how to make the most of Google Analytics and Blackbaud Luminate. A follow up to my 2018 Blackbaud Conference session. Earlier this month I presented a session at the 2018 Blackbaud Conference (BBCon) in Orlando. The session looked at how use Google Analytics to measure and optimize the performance of your…