Category: Google Analytics How To
How to prevent a drop in traffic after a website redesign, using Google Analytics
I got an email from a digital agency this week, asking for help. Their client was noticing a 50% drop in the number of visitors to their recently relaunched site over the same month last year. Could I check out their web analytics to figure out what was going wrong?
“What’s your Jelly strategy?” Let Google Analytics help you answer.
In the coming weeks someone is going to ask you what you’re planning to do with Jelly. The question will come from a colleague if you’re lucky, from someone in senior management if you’re not.
Google Analytics: Three Steps to Awesome
There are three key habits you need to adopt to get the most out of Google Analytics. Unfortunately, most people don’t follow them. They are simple but powerful: adopting these three habits will take your use of Google Analytics from ‘huh?’ to ‘wow!’