Category: Google Analytics How To
Creating a Google Universal Analytics Archive
Your old Google Universal Analytics account is going offline on July 1, 2024. This is the first in a two part tutorial on how to make a basic archive of your old Google Analytics account. Introduction: Creating a backup of your Google Universal Analytics account To create your Google Analytics archive, you are going to…
Google Analytics 4 is coming
Google Universal Analytics is being replaced by an entirely new technology, Google Analytics 4. Join me for three free webinars in June to find out what to do next.
How to Use Google Analytics with Blackbaud Luminate – 3 Free Webinars
Three free webinars on how to make the most of Google Analytics and Blackbaud Luminate. A follow up to my 2018 Blackbaud Conference session. Earlier this month I presented a session at the 2018 Blackbaud Conference (BBCon) in Orlando. The session looked at how use Google Analytics to measure and optimize the performance of your…