Category: Uncategorized

  • Session 1 of Learn Google Analytics the Hard Way

    The password to view the video is : GATHWsession1

  • Google Analytics and GDPR – Four steps to comply

    New rules on collecting personal information are coming into effect. As a user of Google Analytics, here’s how to prepare for GDPR. DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer, this post is focused on Google Analytics and GDPR, and this advice should not be taken as a complete set of instructions on how to comply with…

  • The Three Most Important Reports in Facebook Insights

    The Three Most Important Reports in Facebook Insights

    Facebook Insights is a really powerful tool for showing you the impact of your Facebook marketing.  It’s like Google Analytics for your Facebook page. Like Analytics, Facebook Insights can be a bit overwhelming.  My colleague John Haydon has posted a helpful guide  you can use to help you quickly understand  what’s working and what’s not…